Sun City real estate - sell, buy, invest, relocate

Month: March 2010 (page 1 of 1)’s Greg Swann and Canadian real estate investor Bill Chipman featured today on an NPR Radio story on Phoenix rental-home investing for buyers from Canada.

Click on the embedded audio player below or read the story on-line. Reporter Peter O’Dowd — a genuine born-here Phoenician and a Brophy Prep alum — spent about four hours, total, with Bill Chipman and me, an amazing commitment of effort. And that photo above? That’s what paradise looks like. We have plenty to go around…

More potential rental homes in Avondale, Arizona

I look at homes in the Phoenix area for investors several times a week. Here are four I saw yesterday:

The home on Granada is sweet. I don’t love lakefront lots for rental homes, but this is truly a premium spot on the globe. The house could command a premium rent, and it should do well on resale. For what it’s worth, it would make an excellent residence.

The homes on Fairmount and on Lincoln are both excellent values at their list prices.

I’m shopping for premium value in potential rental homes in the Phoenix metropolitan area. If you would like to purchase one of these homes — or one like it — shoot me an email or give me a call at 602-740-7531.

The economic policies of the U.S. government could not be better — for Canadians buying real estate in Phoenix, that is…

Are you a Canadian thinking about buying residential real estate in metropolitan Phoenix? You and everybody else. Prices are low, the weather is incomparable — and the Canadian dollar — the Loonie — is trading at very favorable rates against the U.S. dollar. Canadian home buyers can take a 60% discount off our peak prices, plus an additional 15% discount on the exchange rate. There’s just something about buying a rental or getaway home for 75% off that’s hard to beat.

I tend to write a lot about rental home investing, but opportunities for all sorts of Canadian buyers abound in Phoenix right now. For example, here is a search of single-family homes in tony Paradise Valley. And here is every golf course home currently available in Scottsdale. If anything, prices on higher-end homes are even lower than they are for cheaper properties. And mortgages for Canadian home buyers are easier to obtain than they have been for years.

The truth is, it’s a perfect storm for all buyers in the greater Phoenix market right now. There are plenty of great homes available at bargain-basement prices. Interest rates are hovering at historic lows. And the house-hunting weather could not be more perfect. But Canadian buyers have all those advantages plus a very favorable currency exchange rate. If you’d like to explore your options, you can start by searching for your ideal home in Phoenix or Scottsdale. When you’re ready to find out more, send me an email or phone me at 602-740-7531.

You may never see a convergence of events like this again. We’re ready to jump when you are.

Rental home possibilities in Avondale, Arizona

I look at homes in the Phoenix area for investors several times a week. Here are four I liked today:

I’m shopping for premium value in potential rental homes in the Phoenix metropolitan area. If you would like to purchase one of these homes — or one like it — shoot me an email or give me a call at 602-740-7531.