There’s always something to howl about.

Got Voice? And other questions for which I have no answers.

Putting the nuts and bolts of blog technology aside for the momement, isn’t it hard, daunting even, to find your own voice? What is the sound of my own voice? How do I find the voice in me that anyone else will want to listen to?

Which brings us to readers. Oh right- readers (Note to self: find readers). Who is going to read this stuff anyway? It would seem to me that’s the big question if you are blogging for dollars. Who is the audience I’m trying to reach, how do I reach them, and what do I want them to know?

Currently I’m poking around the internet looking at other local blogs, finding blogs I like and appreciate (birds of a feather, you know). Could this or that blog take me where I want to go? I’m checking out the blogroll, checking the comments. It’s very telling- who is reading this? Do they like what they read and why, and are the readers contributing in a meaningful way?

Conversely, what isn’t out there? Is there a void that needs to be filled, or does the void exist due to lack of need? Does every market really need a blog? Really? Can every market support a blog? Does my little-bitty Rustbelt town need a blog and would anyone even read it? How do I find like-minded residents and direct them to follow the sound of my voice? Whoop, there it is. It all circles back to developing a voice worth listening to.
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