There’s always something to howl about.

Never forget: The collapse of the global economy was caused by the National Association of Realtors.

Vickie Cox Golder, current Grand Poobah of the National Association of Rotarian Socialists, sends this little note:

Tomorrow is election day. As a proud member of the REALTOR® Party, I hope that you will join me and the entire NAR leadership in casting your vote tomorrow for the candidates at the local, state and federal level who will provide needed leadership to restore a healthy housing market and who believe strongly in the value of homeownership.

Here’s a very simple fact to be mastered:

More than any other person or group, the collapse of the global economy was caused by the National Association of Realtors.

There are plenty of other grafters to be blamed, of course, but without the tireless lobbying of the NAR, property rights in the United States would not have been so grievously undermined, and none of the economic monkey-wrenching in the real estate market would have occurred.

When you’re going over your wrecked finances, the key villain, at every turn, turns out to be the NAR.

Big, history-making election tomorrow. Chances are, it will turn out to be meet-the-new-grafters-same-as-the-old-grafters. But if there is real change to be seen in American political life, it will start with the restoration of the rights of property-owners.

If the NAR had any sense, it would become a stridently pro-ownership lobby. Instead, it will continue as the blood-sucking vampire it has been since its inception. And for this reason, you should lean all over your congress-creeps to ignore the NAR’s every grasping entreaty.

Do you actually want a free economy — so your children can earn as much as their hard work can gain them? If so, you have to stand for the repeal of every law affecting real estate transactions. Their sole purpose is to enrich the members of the National Association of Rotarian Socialists at the expense of consumers — leading, ultimately, as we are seeing, to the impoverishment of all of us.

The NAR is a cancer on the body politic. If they won’t learn better, at least you can.