There’s always something to howl about.

I’ve made it to the top of Google

In case your wondering the easiest way to make it “fresh” to the top of Google.  Simply move your real estate business across the country, start a new website, and bingo!   I’ve made it to the top in three weeks.  How is that you might be wondering, right?  Easy!  I’m on the top of page 30 for the term, “Boynton Beach Real Estate”.  So I’ve decided to write a blog post about on it. 

Back in Wisconsin I was in the number 2 spot on page 1 of G for a few terms.  Now that I’ve started over because I moved a real estate business, I’ve got no search engine rank whatsoever.  So, in order to climb up the search engine ranks, I am in need of some fellow Bloodhounder help.  I am offered basically anything at this point for a helpful link for maybe a year or so until I can establish myself from down in the tranches and work my way but up the  ranks which will allow me to capture leads and close deals.  For anyone who will give me a sympathy link, I would be happy to return the favor. 

In 6 months, I will be reporting on how many people helped me out and what page I jumped to from page 30. 

Thank you in advance for your help.

Reporting live from the number 1 spot on page 30, I’m Robert Worthington.