There’s always something to howl about.

Who said this? “The Federal Government must and shall quit this business of relief.”


But the stark fact before us is that great numbers still remain unemployed.

A large proportion of these unemployed and their dependents have been forced on the relief rolls. The burden on the Federal Government has grown with great rapidity. We have here a human as well as an economic problem. When humane considerations are concerned, Americans give them precedence. The lessons of history, confirmed by the evidence immediately before me, show conclusively that continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fibre. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit. It is inimical to the dictates of sound policy. It is in violation of the traditions of America. Work must be found for able—bodied but destitute workers.

The Federal Government must and shall quit this business of relief.

These games are no challenge in the Age of Google, but I think you’ll be surprised to learn the name of the author of this text.