silhouette of people on hillI have a story – late for Christmas, but only for this Christmas – but it is brutal to the point of being gruesome. So far I have been able to keep my distance from it, and we’ll see how that holds up.

Meanwhile, I have nothing, and even the story I have seems like so much embroidery on the void. That the Ruling Class is exterminating we hoi polloi is a rebuttable presumption, but which way are you betting in your planning for 2022 and going forward?

Here is what I can offer for more-sanguine spirits: The leadership you’re looking for is Ds – Driven first, Sociable second. (If you haven’t mastered DISC-my-way, that’s your mistake, easily corrected.) This matters, because every other sort of leader will betray you in due course – you’re soaking in it.

I don’t know of anyone in public life who fills the bill, but your best option, in any case, is to be the leader you’re looking for – the person who can be depended upon not to turn on or prey upon innocents.