There’s always something to howl about.

Be Polite and Kind. To Everyone.

I don’t think it is right to attack people who have a social personality. All harsh attacks should be reserved for those to be_polite_and_kindexhibit anti-social traits. Whatever is necessary to expose them and render those people impotent is not only alright, it is vital for the survival of society. But to attack the personality of someone because they hold a different viewpoint or propose ideas that one does not agree with is an attack on the social fabric that binds groups together and therefore the group itself. The fact that someone is more intelligent than another (and would therefore have superior powers of observation) is seldom (never?) a reason to treat the other person with rudeness. We are all here together. It is good that we have differing views. That is what makes communication interesting.

The blogosphere is a community. It is a group.