There’s always something to howl about.

1.0 = !.0 For Most Agents — What Old School M.O. Works For You?

I used M.O. so once and for all I can say something here in Latin. Modus Operandi — there, I said it. In simple terms it means mode of operation. In real estate parlance, you work one way, the lady down the hall works another. Same results, different M.O.’s.

So, in the 1.0 world of generating business — closed business — what works for you best?

Let’s limit this discussion, for the benefit of those who aren’t doing as well as they’d like, to those agents closing a minimum of 24 deals a year. And remember, 1.0 M.O.’s only. This isn’t about the 2.0 world of electronic wizardry.

Tell us what your M.O. is. What’s generating 24 or more transactions a year for you? How’d you learn it? From whom did you learn it? Have you added your own special sauce? Are you adding other 1.0 M.O.’s to your repertoire? Are you considering increasing your efforts using the same one?

OK — your turn — fire at will.