There’s always something to howl about.

Sun Tzu takes the art of war to Mr Roger’s Neighborhood while the creates pablum pimps who deal in warm fuzzies

I’m a fifteen year cancer survivor- does that make you feel pity? Don’t you dare- not even for a moment! I am not telling you this to manipulate your feelings or thoughts, and I don’t want or need your warm fuzzies. I’m telling you this because surviving cancer makes you a believer in the power of truth. When I was told I had cancer, it came on the heels of a 3 year stretch where my husband Jamie and I changed jobs, had 2 kids, and lost 5 close friends and family members to various diseases and sudden or accidental deaths. Jamie had just finished fighting a serious health problem of his own and at that point in our lives, we were in full battle mode. Hearing the diagnosis of cancer is immediately clarifying. If there is any doubt about what is important in your life, cancer will instantly put those priorities in order. There is extraordinary power in that truth. You are told the truth about the disease, the truth about your options, the truth about your prognosis. A cancer diagnosis is not an easy thing to hear, but once you hear all the facts, and only once you hear the facts, can you begin to fight.

At the time of diagnosis, your first thought might be that your life is completely out of your control- but it isn’t. Once you understand that you do have some control, now you can map out a battle plan. There were times when it was tempting to boo hoo to people, and I’m sure I gave that a try. Who doesn’t want some strokes when they are feeling sorry for themself? I was fortunate enough to have family and friends around me that refused to hear it.

Chris Johnson’s post made me think. I’ve never been entirely comfortable spending much time in the, but lately it seems that a big reason for being online for many of us is simply to get validation from other real estate professionals. Have we become addicted to posting pablum for the warm fuzzies? Have Realtors, not one of the most beloved professions, found that it’s very easy to reach out over the internet and collect strokes? The equivalent of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood can easily be found in multiple places but the price you pay for your pablum addiction is very real. Pablum pimps and pablum whores can write warm fuzzies, get warm fuzzies, give warm fuzzies, feel warm and fuzzy, hold hands, sing Kumbaya, and never ever solve their problems. Solving problems requires reaching down to where the truth is, facing it for what it is, owning the truth, and working some Sun Tzu on it’s ass.

Being a cancer survivor has changed me: I’m still very empathetic, but I don’t want to hear you whine. I understand you are facing a tough situation, so tell me what you are doing to make it better. You need to vent? Go ahead and vent, then wipe yer nose and get on with it. I’ve learned how very sweet life is; I’ve learned how to wrest joy from pain; I’ve learned that life is a feast! My question to you is this: Why are you eating pablum?