There’s always something to howl about.

You Just Don’t Get It — Get This! — There’s The Door

Nothin’ big time here. A pet peeve. My intuition tells me I’m not the Lone Ranger.

To give credit where it’s due, this idea came from Mark Cuban, who takes a pretty tough stand against those using this phrase.

Ever been going back and forth with someone on the merits of a topic on which you disagree, when out of nowhere, the other guy says, “You just don’t get it”? Most of the time they say that for one of two reasons.

1. It’s absolutely, irrefutably true. They’ve tried every approach in explaining their position, including empirical evidence documented with multiple examples. Yet in the face of this overwhelming tsunami of evidential proof, you continue to maintain the earth is actually flat.

Example: The Dodgers were World Champs in 1963. A New Yorker complains bitterly I’m mistaken. My assertion is an historically provable position, which I proceed to do — to no avail. I’m justified in my refusal to waste more time with one who will not see — so I say to them, “You just don’t get it.”

2. They’ve run out of anything meritorious to say in support of their position. It’s at this point you’re supposed to realize how incredibly dense and/or stoopid you are, and that arguing with you is a worthless endeavor.

Here is an example of #1 and #2.

#1 — Newspapers just don’t get it.

Wouldn’t ever say this is universal, but at the rate they’re going down, one might conclude they really don’t get it.

#2 — Some blogging expert tells a blogger that because they’re disobeying some particular sacred cow of blogging, that they ‘just don’t get it’.

I disagree with one point Mark Cuban makes. He says using the offending phrase means the speaker is lazy. OK — maybe even most of the time. However, we all know examples where continued debate is time we’ll never redeem. Attention: Totally needless cheap shot coming. Just checked the NBA records listing league champions the last 20 years. The Mavericks don’t appear. It would seem that organization just doesn’t get it. πŸ™‚ Disclosure: Author is Lakers fan, and may be victim of personal bias. Just sayin’. Seriously, with all his faults, the NBA would be better off with more Mark Cubans.

It would help me and others immensely if you’d give your examples of ‘you just don’t get it’ — both kinds.

Ever been unfairly told ‘you just didn’t get it’?

‘Course, speaking for myself, time and/or experience will often slowly open one’s eyes to the verity of that phrase, spoken long ago by a well intentioned but frustrated friend. Oops, they were right, I just didn’t get it.

Sometimes it’s not that we’re lazy, it’s just, well — we really don’t get it.

That when you should just move on — and get over it. Get it?