There’s always something to howl about.

My Mind Share Mis-management Manifesto

Eric Bramlett and I have been playing with Google’s upgraded adwords tool quite a bit lately. Not surprisingly here’s one of the first things that crossed my mind…

And while the numbers would indicate that Trulia CLEARLY has not created much in the way of brand awareness in the consumer ranks (think about it 60,500 searches in June and how many of those were REALTORS?). And while I could make SEVERAL valid points to their VC’s about how that is not a great reason to throw another $15MM log on the fire, that is not the subject of my manifesto. This is:


You currently have the REALTOR brand. It is strong. You can see that people are clearly searching for REALTORS. (See MLS to see how you mangled the last one) You are mismanaging the online use of that REALTOR brand in a MAJOR way. Homestore is squandering the brand by using the quality of the online presence to extort money from the REALTORS themselves.

Look at the figures that Bramlett posted. Read them Lawrence. (please) What do they say? IMO they say that people are looking for REALTORS. They say that if we FIRED Homestore and made the national listing site a NON PROFIT center for NAR, we could do better. Much better. Yes that would mean some staff cutbacks in the bureaucracy. High time that happened anyway.

The main reason that we have REALTORS giving listings to third party sites with so little consumer mind share as Trulia is because REALTOR has mangled them and is holding the REALTOR hostage. I cannot blame Trulia for trying to move into a space where Homestore has abdicated it’s position…a monopoly position granted by a fiat of well intentioned (but IMO highly misguided) leaders at NAR.

Our listings were not yours to sell IMO. And if somehow we granted you that right, unless you dump Homestore or get them to start taking our online presence seriously, you have proven IMHO beyond all doubt that we the REALTORS should now take that right back from you. You have mismanaged it.

What do I mean by taking it seriously:

1. All photos need to be on the listings. They were there when WE gave them to YOU. No charge. If Trulia is begging US for our listings, why are you CHARGING us for the privilege of you taking them? Ummm…who died and appointed you guys god? (ooopps…you’re right it was NAR. grin)
2. A quality web presence that is up to date. (your current beta is a step in the right direction, but you’ve miles to go.)

How hard is that?

Perhaps it is time we started a campaign to remove Homestore and get someone in there who appreciates what they have been given to work with and is NOT a profit center for the bureaucracy, but a dedicated servant to the people who entrusted them with their data.

This is just my opinion and my manifesto. I would love for the public discourse to begin and for others to offer their constructive thoughts. I care about REALTORS too much to let a perfectly great brand go to waste and get mangled by a bunch of profit takers that are only interested in making as much as they can by lifting the REALTORS wallet.
