There’s always something to howl about.

Will The Democrats Endorse Hank Paulson’s Mortgage Bailout Plan?

This Presidential election campaign is exciting to watch.  Team Obama benefits from the continued free fall on Wall Street.  Sean Purcell reminds us that folks on that side of the aisle like to say “I’m from the government, we’re here to help you” yet the other side is the one proposing massive government intervention by purchasing defaulted mortgage loans from troubled banks.

This is a rework of the RTC plan.  I speculated that it might happen, after reading this article, on Wednesday:

There is something we can do to resolve the problem. We should move decisively to create a new, temporary resolution mechanism. There are precedents — such as the Resolution Trust Corporation of the late 1980s and early 1990s, as well as the Home Owners Loan Corporation of the 1930s. This new governmental body would be able to buy up the troubled paper at fair market values, where possible keeping people in their homes and businesses operating. Like the RTC, this mechanism should have a limited life and be run by nonpartisan professional management.

Sounds like a plausible emergency stabilization plan, right?  Will Congress fast-track this through or will we see Nancy Pelosi go against what Congressman Frank believes, and start saying that the government should not be interfering in financial markets?

Disarray favors Obama.  Stabilization favors Mc Cain.  Will Congress do everything they can to delay this emergency plan until after the election.  After all, they are the government; they’re here to help (if you vote for them).

Point of Disclosure:  In all fairness, Barack Obama conditionally endorsed the Paulson Plan this morning.  The question is , “Can he get Pelosi to play along?”