October 26th: NCRC files specious complaint against Zillow.com.

November 19th: Crack Arizona Republic real estate reporter Catherine Reagor yawns, burps, goes back to sleep:

The popular Web site zillow.com gets a lot of hits as people frequently check the values of their homes and their neighbors’ in the fast-changing housing market.

But not everyone agrees with Zillow’s figures. I have received several calls and e-mails from people questioning its data. The National Community Reinvestment Coalition agrees. The Washington, D.C.-based non-profit has filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission saying Zillow’s home-valuation tool is inaccurate.

Further deponent sayeth not.

Reagor was in love with Zillow when it was brand new, but this was because she hadn’t bothered to test it. The idea of reporters actually checking things seems to have died with Hildy Johnson…

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