There’s always something to howl about.

SEO Homework for BHB Unchained

OK, so I bet you were wondering what you needed to bring and what homework you needed to do before coming to the SEO portion of Bloodhound Blog Unchained.

Well, whether you are coming for the basics of SEO, or the more advanced stuff, the requirements are pretty similar:

PREREQUISITE: Please download the google basic search engine optimization guide. Read it. Study it. Be prepared to ask me questions about it. It is VERY basic and there is much to add, but Google did a GREAT job of explaining the barebones. (They were more tired than I was, if that’s possible, of the misinformation that is out there). I will assume at the start of our lecture and lab that you have already completed this.

1. Have Firefox loaded on your computer. No Internet Explorer. No Safari. No if’s, and’s or but’s, candy or nuts. (You can certainly have those browsers on your computer as well…but you won’t be using them with me.)

2. Have access to your analytics of your site. I don’t really care what kind of analytics you have, we just need to be able to look at them to help you improve. (Advanced class…we are gonna hit these HARD).

3. As well, please have the following numbers ready. #1) the # of deals that came DIRECTLY from your website / blog #2) The # of leads (define that how you will-don’t get hung up on it.) that you received from your site in the past year #3) The number of hours you spent this last year doing online marketing, blogging, social media, etc. (Yes, Virginia! I want you to put a NUMBER to it πŸ˜‰ ). (HINT: We are going to take ROI into account the Bawld Guy way..counting the skins.)

4. Please write down every question that you have ever had about Search Engine Marketing. Seriously. Write them all down over the next month as you think of them.

I am REALLY looking forward to learning and sharing in Phoenix. I have been waiting for months to get back into the same room with Brian Brady, Greg, Sean, Teri and everyone else to talk survival skills in this market. I will be picking your brains too!

After the last Scenius in Orlando, I am pumped! Looking forward to seeing y’all there.

BTW- We may be revising this list before you come, so stay tuned.