There’s always something to howl about.

Follow me on this; I hope Cap & Trade passes for all our sakes!

american-flagDo I really want the Cap & Trade lunacy, its huge loss of freedoms and destruction that will be wrought to the economy, including the real estate industry?  No, not really.  But I think it might be better than the alternative.

Because WHAT I WANT is for Americans to WAKE UP!  I think Cap & Trade, HR 2454, may be just the ticket.

Surely, this will wake people up to what is happening!  Skyrocketing energy costs, tax hikes, economic stagnation or worse and the nanny state in places it should never have been considered.  Won’t that be enough to wake folks up?

I’m very concerned about what it might take to get the public to finally understand.  Has public education wrought us a feckless population that has turned off their brains and are simply cannon fodder for smooth talking thieving politicians?  Has that been the end game all along?  There aren’t too many places left in the world to go where capitalism is still valued.  When the U.S.A. is taking a more socialist stance than the People’s Republic of China on economic intervention, I have to wonder how folks have lost appreciation for why America is great.

So, back to Cap & Trade, or “Clean Energy” or whatever con they’re calling it.  You see, I figure Cap and Trade can be made to go away pretty quickly.  Sure, it will set us back and cost us just like the still to be spent stimulus money will cost us.  Call it tuition for the American public whose memory is so far gone they can’t even remember back to Jimmy Carter.  Again I digress, but that lesson was good enough to get us Ronald Reagan at the time.

What won’t be so easy to make go away is nationalized health care.  I don’t think the lobbies that would support keeping Cap & Trade in place would be anything like the uproar that would occur if Nationalized Health Care, if it happens, has to be reduced or dismantled.  So, I would rather have the populace figure out what a bad deal this whole socialist thing is with energy than health care.  Energy rates should start to go up before even the mid-term elections.  I smile thinking what that might accomplish.

I do believe that a public pays (even more) health care plan would be just as disastrous to the economy, the country and our freedoms and harder to reverse than the energy bill.

So, while I am against ALL OF THIS STUFF, I think that the energy bill, Cap and Trade, might be just the alarm clock the public needs.  I’m trying to think a few moves down the game board.  Bloodhounds, what do you think?  Oh, and a Happy Independence Day!