There’s always something to howl about.

Introducing Manny Fae and Merry Fac

Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose“- Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Carr, 1849

Hat tip to Matt Graham and Adam Quinones of Mortgage News Daily

You gotta hand it to the powerful Mortgage Bankers Association of America (MBAA).  What they lack in imagination, they make up for in chutzpah.  The MBAA released its report “Recomendations for Future Government Role in the Core Secondary Mortgage Market“.  This six page report (the other six pages are pictures and such) essentially suggests that the Federal Government charter “Mortgage Credit Guarantor Entities” (MCGE) with a mission to purchase whole loans from originators and issue securities for purchase by investors.

These MCGE’s will be different from the existing GSE’s inasmuch as they:

  • require originators to retain 5% of the risk of the underlying loan values in the form of “set aside” capital
  • will be subject to “strong and effective regulatory oversight”
  • will only guarantee “core” mortgage products (30 and 15 year fixed rate loans)
  • will issue securities with the “explicit” guarantee of the full faith and credit of the United States Treasury rather than the former “implicit” guarantee

The MBAA did recommend that the existing infrastructure of the “outdated” GSEs be used to establish new MCGEs.  It recommends that initially, the number of MCGEs to be established should be…

two or three.

As I’ve said before, I criticize too much.  As a taxpayer, I should be outraged but as a mortgage banker, I’m keeping my mouth shut;

I want to be President of Manny Fae before I retire.

PS:  Read the whole report here.  Pages 5-10 are the meat of the proposal with lots of pretty pictures and footnotes on the other pages.

PPS:  Look for the more powerful National Association of REALTORs (NAR) to offer immediate support for and pledge lobbying efforts  for the establishment of MCGEs