One way or the other, the day you retire will be an emotional one. Why don’t you kick back tonight after dinner, and quietly imagine your last day at work. How does it feel? Are you giddy with anticipation? Or are you tense and uneasy, filled with anxiety about your status quo?

Do you see yourself on the beach somewhere in the South Pacific? Or do you see yourself moving in with your son and his wife — the one you’ve never, well…….you know.

Big Ben

Are the sounds of your imagined retirement full of dance toons, island surf, and the laughter of good times? Or do you hear the endless droning of your only entertainment — TV?

Outside of maintaining your health, the most important decision in your life from this day forward is what kind of retirement you’re going to proactively provide for yourself.

For so many people today, retirement has turned out to be nothing like they imagined. It’s turned out to be more like a sentence. Once you retire, sans a winning lottery ticket, your future is cast in concrete.

Now imagine it’s tomorrow and you’re reordering your priorities. Keep in mind just how much quiet suffering is being endured by folks now retired, who never planned for it. “Hurry up honey, Jeopardy’s starting!”

20 to life is a long time. You had a lot longer than 20 years to plan for it. Now you have less time. Now that ticking clock is beginning to sound like Big Ben. Tick tock, another year. How much time do you have?

How do you feel about making that time count?