There’s always something to howl about.

Some Ideas For Unchained…Or…I’ll kick Your Asymptote.

Perfect never happens, and it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t pursue it.

I am better than I was six months ago by a wide margin.  I’ll be better in six months by a wider margin, I hope.  I’m hoping that I improve at an improving rate.  I work hard to do so.  The silly math is that if you improve your efficacy by 1% each day then you double every 68 days or whatever.  Every year then you’d through five cycles and then be 2*2*2*2*2 better.   Nice theory, but it doesn’t happen that way.   Google grains of rice and chessboard.

You CAN however improve a bunch, and have times where you are like Neo.

My focus is on lead generation.  I’m good at it, and getting better.  I’ve learned bigger gains are made in other areas, but lead generation is still what I like because we gravitate to what we’re good at.  But that’s not the only area where we can get good.  Lead gen rocks because I like getting leads that are above average.  Nobody has time to sift through morons, but anyone has time to deal with motivated and interested buyers.  That’s why is such a beautiful breeding ground.

Anyway, here’s a fun idea.

What’s the best customer experience for a loan process?

What’s the best possible customer experience for a Real Estate Sale?

For a contract negotiation?

For a listing?

What wows?  Author # 8 touched on this a while ago.  You create the perfect experience from the buyer’s perspective.

How long they’ll take.

How much they’ll know.

You make it customer focused, high touch and high tech.   And you make it utterly destructive to all of your competition.  Make it so much better than it anything that exists from the knowledge the buyer gets to the resposnsiblity you take.  Widen the gap with things that make people feel better…even if most of the effort isn’t used.

Let’s design the best experience possible.

And then, let’s figure out how to deliver it with modern tools.

After we’ve done that, let’s figure out what the most critical and different elements are. And let’s focus on building an experience with today’s tools that delivers that…level of perfection….the perfect loan, listing & buyer experience…

…delivered with a focus on minimizing the effort once the machine is built.  I am learning the Vendorslut lesson with my business.  Make something cool.  What’s the ideal listing, in a perfect world.  How do we create 80% of that with very little marginal effort?  It’s possible, man, don’t say it’s not.

Then, once we’ve made a machine, how do we make a machine that presumes that it’ll need to get better, and that presumes that it’ll get caught by the world at large unless it gets good?  THAT is where I want BHBU to be.

I’m talking about making some blue oceans.  Making something that’s different and customer focused.

Then when you throw a massive amount of leads at an existing machine, we’ll be fine.  Because they’ll stick.

What would cause…

  • Clients to not sell you up the river for a $500 reduction in commissions.
  • Buyers to call you first before EVERY move, while still feeling free to browse through properties?
  • Agents to have low marginal-costs-per transaction WITHOUT short changing clients or having a huge capital investment.

I don’t know the answer. But if that’s the focus, reinventing our jobs…then that’s what we can do.  Because dumping great leads into a great system is sustainable…!