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Five Mortgage Tips that Can Save You Thousands

I thought I would take a brief moment to share a few interesting tips and tricks I recommend when considering real estate. I have compiled these in my limited years of investment and my brief time in school.

Tip #1: Use your mortgage like a bank account. One interesting phenomena in real estate (residential especially) that is surprisingly irrational is the treatment of mortgage. If you have a residential mortgage at 6.5% and your bank account nets a 2.5% saving rate, there is really no reason to put any money in your savings account (you lose 4% on every dollar you deposit!). Outside of cash needed to operate day to day, all of your savings should go to paying off your highest interest debt. A lot of people either don’t think about this or just do not know the true implications of this. Luckily, our newest writer, James Hsu has saved me some time by providing a quick analysis on the value of paying off mortgages early. Not only do you save yourself a tremendous amount of interest by paying off your mortgage early at no additional cost, but you also free yourself of future debt. My recommendation is to set a maximum emergency cash flow you need to live and funnel everything else to your loan.

Tip #2: Pay your mortgage more often. Interest is calculated monthly on most loans (based on principal balance at that time); therefore, paying bi-weekly essentially allows you to pay slightly less interest. While it may only save you several hundred dollars of interest payments a year, this money adds up. If you get paid bi-weekly, send in half your mortgage payment early. This can shave several years off your mortgage.

Tip #3: Consider a second loan to avoid paying PMI. This can be tricky because you want to make sure the second loan cost you less than the mortgage insurance (obvious, but it has to be said). Optimally this will be a second loan that you can repay early, avoiding most of the interest payments. Check with your mortgage broker or banker to see if this option may be right for you.

Tip #4: Consider offering seller financing. Many people avoid doing this, simply because they don’t understand it. Seller financing can be a great way to earn 7% to 9% interest over a fairly short period of time. With rates still relatively low, seller financing can be a great future investment. Of course you should consult a lawyer, who can draw up the paper work and suggest a reasonable interest rate. Additionally, this flexibility makes your properties more marketable (and perhaps more valuable).

Tip #5: Get to know your banker. Many people look at banks as faceless corporations, they are far from it. The better you know the person(s) in charge of your loan the better off you will be. From discounts on refinancing to lower rates on future loans, a great banking relationship is imperative in the real estate business. I know I have said this before, but it will always remain true. People that know you personally will bend over backwards to make you happy.

To some these tips may not be eye opening and to others they may change the way they view financing. Which ever the case, remember financing is a great tool to make (or save) money. Go beyond the standard mortgage or canned advice and get into the details. You will be surprised where you can find savings. As always, please feel free to add any additional tips you have in the comments area.