There’s always something to howl about.

Single-property weblogs: Our latest vision

I’ve been slugging away for days on a new single-property weblog for 909 West Culver Street in Phoenix. Sandboxed for now, and who knows if the extra searchability will matter. The ease of editability for people who aren’t me is a huge bonus. The idea of using WordPress as a CMS only really works if the upfront investment is going to pay off over time, which is not the case here. But the fixed-first-post idea in WordPress 2.1 is perfect for our application, putting the “cover” plus eleven slide shows all in one spot.

What’s new in what we’re doing?: The slide shows and the interactive floor plan. I tried using a Google API map, but it clobbered MSIE 7.0, so I have a static map for now. I’ll be adding a video podcast, but that ain’t there yet.

Not as pretty as Dan Green’s site, I don’t think, but what could be?

Take a look and let me know what you think. We’re aiming at complete untouchability — a listing so rich in value-added features that none of our competitors can touch us. Are we wide of the mark?

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