There’s always something to howl about.

Do you want Cheez-Whiz with that weenie?

The comparison of the life of man to a race, though it holdeth not in every point, yet it holdeth so well for this our purpose, that we may thereby both see and remember almost all the passions before mentioned. But this race we must suppose to have no other goal, nor other garland, but being foremost; and in it: To endeavour, is appetite. To be remiss, is sensuality. To consider them behind, is glory. To consider them before, humility. To lose ground with looking back, vain glory. To be holden, hatred. To turn back, repentance. To be in breath, hope. To be weary, despair. To endeavour to overtake the next, emulation. To supplant or overthrow, envy. To resolve to break through a stop foreseen, courage. To break through a sudden stop, anger. To break through with ease, magnanimity. To lose ground by little hindrances, pusillanimity. To fall on the sudden, is disposition to weep. To see another fall, disposition to laugh. To see one out-gone whom we would not, is pity. To see one out-go we would not, is indignation. To hold fast by another, is to love. To carry him on that so holdeth, is charity. To hurt one’s-self for haste, is shame. Continually to be out-gone, is misery. Continually to out-go the next before, is felicity. And to forsake the course, is to die. — Thomas Hobbes

There is much to criticize in the But one would hope that we would criticize criminality, venality and intentional transgressions, rather than honest, even if thoughtless, errors. From the former, we want not the correction of the bad behavior, but rather its elimination. For the latter, we can be big enough of spirit to help our brothermen learn to do better where they might have done badly. It is certainly within the bounds of reason to argue that Hobbes was more than unnecessarily dour.

Alas, we have a new candidate for The Cheez-Whiz Prize, a new weblog devoted to derision called “realweenie.” (I won’t link to this for the same reason I’ve stopped linking to Housing Panic.) It’s a Six Apart weblog, which means it doesn’t really qualify as technology, but it’s a “social” site, which mean it does. The social agenda, it would seem, is to make the world safe for high-schoolish exclusion:

The real estate weenie is on a mission, to seek out bad advice for real estate professionals and consumers. With the proliferation of real estate blogs it is getting harder to ignore the weenies, and it is time to recognize them for what they are. They are taking over the internet and now is the time to fight back.

If this is a joke, it’s a poor one.

In any case, I’ve auto-nominated BloodhoundBlog for the site’s “Weenie Roll”:

I think this is a truly ugly idea, so I would appreciate it if you would add BloodhoundBlog to your honor roll at once.

The other day Richard Riccelli pointed out the Groucho Marx quip, “I don’t care to belong to any club that will have me as a member.” I would much rather find my name on a blacklist than be thought to be among or even in support of the blacklisters.

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