There’s always something to howl about.

In Case You Just Tuned In

The story so far: “pat the bunny” has just hopped off the turnip truck and finds herself reshelved between Macbeth and Machiavelli. She quickly discovers that by coughing up a little Shakespeare (don’t worry Jeff, it’s a very minor infection) she can keep the alpha dog from growling too much… for now anyway.

Pat had the foresight to pack along a few books for the trip: “Realty Blogging”, which explains things like ‘Technorati’- (it’s not the Russian Mafia? Who knew?); “The Purple Cow”, because she’s so very fascinated by viral sneezing; and a basic grammar book, which shall remain nameless. If you are playing along at home, Pat is a green bunny and watching her fundage, so while she went to Amazon for “Realty Blogging”, she supported her local used bookstore for the others.

“Realty Blogging” is a step-by-step guide for blog-building: what, where, how, and why. Well-written and so easy to understand that even Pat can follow along. You, sir, will have no problem.

“The Purple Cow” Cliff Notes version- If you want your blog, your marketing- hell, even your business, to be all things to all people you are missing the point.

Grammar? zzzzzz Wake up! Yes, grammar because even though she’s only Pat the bunny, she is still a book and words, words, words are important. Besides, countinuing to count on what she thinks she thinks she remembers from English class, lo those many moons ago, just ain’t gonna cut it anymore.

Pat the bunny now aspires to become Spongebob; soaking up all the information she can, wherever she can find it.
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