There’s always something to howl about.

Success is contagious: Russell Shaw and the StarPower experience

Mega-producing Realtor and BloodhoundBlog contributor Russell Shaw insists that “success is contagious.” He backed up that argument at yesterday’s StarPower seminar in Phoenix. Russell spent much of his day surrounded by Realtors eager to infect themselves with his 400-transaction-a-year mojo. As we have good cause to know, Russell is boundlessly generous with good advice, so it could be a few dozen new millionaires came down with an incurable case of success yesterday.

Russell was one of the seminar speakers, and he did a killer 25 minute presentation on how to price listings — or how to price listings that will sell — or how not to take listings that will never sell. His overarching thesis is that successful people think differently, and his presentation stood as good evidence of that argument: He told the audience nothing they did not already know, but he forced them to look at it from such a different frame of reference that he had the rolling in the aisles.

StarPower CEO and Ringmaster Howard Brinton has agreed to share the audio recording of Russell’s talk with us, so we’ll make it available as a podcast when we get the file.

Cathy and I were both hugely impressed with the intellectual content of the event. Despite my first name, I am not a terribly gregarious specimen, so I am much more likely to catch success from a book. But every one of the eight presenters was bursting with good ideas. Cathy was particularly impressed with Tami Spaulding from The Group in Denver. So many good ideas seem to come out of The Group that I may want to devote some concentrated attention to what they’re doing.

Cathy fell in love with Spaulding’s ideas for a pre-listing package, and I immediately saw how such a thing could be done on-line as well as in print. There were a lot of other ideas like that, things that we think we can adapt to our way of going at things.

This year’s StarPower Annual Conference is in Phoenix. If you come to town, we’ll buy you a beer. And there’s an excellent chance you’ll catch some of Russell Shaw’s success.

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