There’s always something to howl about.

Birth of a A faster way to pee on the tree

I have a little prototype of a Here is all it does for now:

  • It takes as input a download of listings from the ARMLS system
  • It isolates the street address, the price, and the listing brokerage, throwing away all the other fields
  • It sorts these newly concatenated fields by street name and house number, pumping the results to the screen for printing or post-processing in an Excel spreadsheet

The gross idea is that a human input operator can work street by street in Zillow, which is more convenient and less error-prone than working in price order, which is how the MLS system sorts listings. (Plus which, there is no Excel-sortable ARMLS report that includes the name of the listing brokerage.)

Ahem #1: I can convert the output to an XML file in four minutes, tops.

Ahem #2: If I get bored enough with doing this work manually, I’ll figure out a way to do it in JavaScript.

Actually, the real grief is going to be hot-sheeting every I build for my little If I pee on the tree when the house is listed for sale, I have an obligation to hose it off when it sells. This is a challenge for automation…

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