There’s always something to howl about.

Glenn Kelman at Inman – He Hits a Home Run

I don’t know what in the hell is going on now. I just watched the video of Glenn Kelman speaking at the Inman Event and found myself liking Glenn Kelman. I know, I just wrote that. He was funny, remarkably candid and made a lot of good points. Have I changed any views I have regarding Redfin? No, and I really doubt that every time Greg Swann writes about him it is “good for business”, as he claimed. But setting aside any thoughts I have about the Redfin business model, I doubt I will ever view Glenn, the person, the same way again. In the past, I have tended to demonize him when talking about him or what he has done – and I really don’t like ad hominem attacks.

I wrote in the headline that he hit a home run. It wasn’t out of the park (I got that line from Jeff Brown) but still, a home run. As I have been so willing to say what I didn’t like, I thought it only fair to also say what I did.