There’s always something to howl about.

Would you be willing to change your legal name to Bloodhound Realty?

Your first question is probably “what will you pay me” followed by “wait, what?”  According to, a web developer short on cash has decided to auction off the rights to have his name legally changed to the name of the highest bidding company (most people sweat over providing a product or a service, but this guy is genius).  This process will land him in the Guinness Book of World Records along with the highest bidder- talk about exposure!  Leave it to a dude in cargo shorts and a wrinkled screen T to create a brilliant marketing plan- he’s pimpin’ out his own name! 

This leads me to ask three things:
(1) Do you have a way to market yourself, your product or your services that is more unique than your competitors (or more unique than ANYONE for that matter)?  Cargo shorts dude certainly did and his ingenuity will likely pay his bills while he’s chillin’ in the blogiverse (you know he’s got to be a blogger) in his La-Z-Boy!

(2) Here in Austin several Realtors have actually changed their names- not after their brokerages, but perhaps to look cute on a business card.  There are several ladies who have changed their names to the likes of Sunny Happy Day (who is really named this, is a friend of my mother’s, but not a Realtor).  Too cheap for lipo or implants?  Change your name!  Would YOU do this for business?  I’m thinking of changing mine to Snarky Chick Anglin…

(3) What’s your guess for his highest bidder?  Can you imagine meeting a guy at a party and him saying “Hi, my name is Cola.  Coca Cola.”  Or, “what’s up, I’m Banana Republic!”  “Thank you for calling, this is Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, how may I direct your call?”  Share your ideas for funny brand names that could end up simultaneously making this dude rich while scarring him. 

Comments are encouraged!