There’s always something to howl about.

Gene Simmons: Originality is Overrated

I’m a Dan Kennedy disciple, a card-carrying member of the Glazer-Kennedy Inner Circle.  I read his book, The Ultimate Marketing Plan, six years ago, and was hooked.  Gene Simmons is one of the keynote speakers at the GKIC Super Conference, this April.  I listened to an interview with Gene Simmons today about his message for this April’s Super Conference.  Oh, if you’re wondering why I listen when a 70’s rock and roller talks, it’s because he’s a marketer; a damned fine one.   Here are some snippets from the interview.  I think it may give you a glimpse to why I think the way I do about marketing.

1-You only get the respect you demand.

Gene tells a story about his advice to a fifteen-year old girl.  He advised her to get over the idea that people’s perception of you somehow defines you.  He continued by saying that you are only as important as you believe you are; how you perceive yourself is eventually how others behold you. 

Does your marketing message convey that?  I’m not talking about ego.  Do you truly believe that you are an expert agent or originator?  This isn’t about “act, as if”, it’s about demonstrated expertise.  Can you deliver the goods?  If your self- perception is less than expert, correct the flaws that hold you back. 

2- Originality is overrated.

I don’t think I could agree more.  To the doers come the riches, not the thinkers.  Anyone can have a great idea; it’s the implementers, the innovators, the action-based people who change the world.  Gene Simmons called KISS a pastiche; part rock and roll, part comic book, and part horror show.  A great example of pastiche,in theater,  is Quentin Tarantino.  Neither Gene Simmons nor Quentin Tarantino “created”, they innovated. 

Are you constantly planning or constantly doing?  I talk to agents and originators, daily, about their customer acquisition systems  Sadly, most explanations are long on ideas and short on action. 

3- Marketing is the most important thing you can do.  If the market is crowded, move the market.

Gene Simmons told the story of the Citrus Growers of America.  They crafted a message that the first thing you should do, upon wakening, is to drink a glass of orange juice, to “jolt” your body.  Let’s face it, food doesn’t really need to be marketed, right?  Neither does shelter nor making that shelter affordable.  I don’t want to be a loan originator, I want to be America’s #1 Mortgage Broker.  I define my offering as “not your average loan hack” because my expertise demands I market with evangelical zeal. 

Fabulous advice from an extraordinary marketer.