There’s always something to howl about.

Automated Valuation Models – My New Favorite

The quest for automated valuation is a thirst unquenched, a fire that cannot be extinguished and seeming itch that cannot be scratched. Man is forever curious about the worth of an asset. Whether it is one’s home or one’s home on the web, curiosity slays its share of felines and we all have satisfied our secret urge to automatically valuate a time or two.

Did I mention that this Automated Valuation Model is for websites? (grin). Someone at REW pointed it out to me in their blog…here’s the link to it.

OK, ready for some fun? I took a look at some interesting sites to see their automated valuation as of today. – My SEO blog VALUATION: $135,000 and change. Huh? (Think maybe the Greatest Real Estate Agent in the World contest skewed things a bit?) Methinks that is the case. I am officially willing to sell! – Our brokerage Real Estate site… VALUATION $64,000 and change. Huh? Not on your life! This site is worth MULTIPLES of that! It generated many multiples of that in commission last year alone. – $553,807! Way to go, Greg. – $71,307! Whaddya say, Teri? Deal or No Deal

Sean– is $10,500 and change fair for a website that POPS??

NOW FOR THE FUN ONE: Valued at 5.7MM

SO THAT’S IT PEOPLE I AM PASSING THE PLATE. Let’s take up a collection and buy out once and for all!

By the way, if you are laughing at the ridiculous automated valuations of your website right now, or maybe you are angry, or maybe you just think it is stupid. What do you think homeowners are doing when they look at AVMs like ZIllow et al?

The REAL Valuation of a REAL Valuation– Priceless.