There’s always something to howl about.

Friday morning read-a-thon . . .

Sellsius° delivers 50 meaty posts in one marathon session.

Kris Berg’s daughter discovers that moment of intense exhilaration you only know in the instant after you just might have been killed — but survived.

Transparent Real Estate details a Realtor’s money-back guarantee.

Jay Thompson, The Phoenix Real Estate Guy, argues that we should raise the bar on real estate licensing. His post is thoughtful and comprehensive, very well documented. My own take is that we should get rid of real estate licensing laws altogether and let anyone who chooses to work in real estate brokerage compete on reputation — and on his or her ability to obtain Errors and Omissions insurance. The Leggy Blonde is Teacher’s Pet to three movers and shakers in the Arizona Association of Realtors, and they insist that Change Is Coming. What they want is what Jay is suggesting, an apprentice-level real estate license, with the apprentice having to hit certain targets to obtain a full salesperson’s license. What we’re likely to get is Designated Agency, which covers the broker’s behind while resolving absolutely nothing else.

Christine at NY Houses 4 Sale has a detailed run-down of her favorite real estate weblogs.

And if there is anything I’ve missed, Todd Tarson probably caught it before he lit out of town.

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