There’s always something to howl about.

Blogoff Post #27: Weblog Review: Behind the Curtain . . .

Jeff Brown’s Behind the Curtain is one of the most-amusing weblogs in my feed reader. Jeff writes in a folksy, avuncular style that just sweeps you up. The man is nobody’s grammarian, but you’ll forgive anything to get to the next killing joke.

Like this:

First, is it me, or does everyone everywhere think they know which way is north on the map with real estate investments? I swear, if one more person corners me at some social gathering just to tell me how they’ve ‘found the next Golden Goose’ I’m gonna scream. What makes it worse is that half of these Donald Trump types are agents and brokers who should know better than to spew their ignorance in public. I remember thinking last weekend that if this guy just spent a few minutes talking real estate while walking on my front lawn, I’d have the greenest lawn in the neighborhood.

It’s a hosted WordPress weblog, and it’s updated only infrequently. But the whole thing is so sweet and fine, like a warm pecan pie, that I’ll forgive anything.

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