There’s always something to howl about.

Blogoff Post #47: Weblog Review: Poor and Stupid . . .

For a change of pace, let’s talk about Donald Luskin’s weblog, The Conspiracy to Keep You Poor and Stupid. This is one of the few political blogs I am willing to read on any regular basis. Luskin’s is nobody’s demagogue, but he himself is very smart, as are the people who share information with him.

The site is kludgey, built who knows how. The permalinks are crap — as is the case with many older political blogs.

But: So what? Luskin has the inside track, especially on economics, and his writing, while sometimes very dense, is always engaging.

There are constantly-updated Tradesports lines, although Luskin has nothing good to say about Tradesports lately. The irregular “Joke of the Day” feature can be outrageously funny.

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