There’s always something to howl about.

Blogoff Post #49: How BloodhoundBlog breaks all the rules of punctuation . . .

From the Problogger ‘How To…’ Group Writing Project, LearningNerd brings us “English Punctuation: Commas, Semicolons, and Colons”:

The colon introduces or restates something. Unlike the semicolon, the colon can connect an independent clause to a word or phrase.

There’s lots more, including links to other sources.

I have a certain love for punctuation. I read good writing as music, and punctuation marks are the rest notes. I have my own theories on how they ought to be used, and mastery in art consists of knowing which rules to break and how.

Like this: If a period is a full stop, I want for that colon to be a screeching slamming on the brakes. I want to hear a puff of breathe at that point, so much are you stopped short. I never know how any of this sounds in any mind but my own, but it works for me…

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