There’s always something to howl about.

Blogoff Post #79: Win customers with the power of convenience . . .

From the Problogger ‘How To…’ Group Writing Project, Return Customer teaches us how to “Win Customers with the Power of Convenience”:

Identify barriers or obstacles that stand between your customer’s wallet and your business. This should be done from the customers’ perspective. You’re probably too biased to clearly identify all these barriers by yourself.

Eliminate unnecessary steps in the purchase process. For example, just because your computer system needs some data doesn’t mean your customer should have to jump through those hoops.

Reduce the customer effort needed to buy. Can the customer purchase from her office? Over the web? Can you deliver? How long will this whole process take?

Explain your product so everyone can understand. Tailor your marketing copy to your audience. If you’re using industry jargon you may just confuse and lose potential customers.

Give customers alternatives that all lead to a completed sale.

Sell a product that is so compelling that the reward of purchasing greatly outweighs any effort exerted by the customer.

I think this is excellent general advice for traditional, full-service real estate professionals.

We believe that convenience and off-loading of tasks are key products. We haven’t marketed this, but we plan to: The Drive-By Listing: Leave me a key and I will go in and do everything necessary to list your home while you’re at work. We’ll meet to sign the paperwork or do it by fax, and we’re ready to rock ‘n’ roll. That’s service, and service is worth money…

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