There’s always something to howl about.

BloohoundBlog is three months’ old — and we’re taking the rest of the week off to celebrate . . .

There are still over 400 unanswered emails in my inbox. Plus I have a bunch of Arizona real estate news I want to talk about. Plus I have tabs and tabs of real estate weblog posts I want to link to.

But… BloodhoundBlog is three months’ old today. A three-month-old Bloodhound can move your furniture and mow through a pair of shoes in three minutes flat. A three-month-old BloodhoundBlog is but barely aborning — well begun, but half-baked, at best. Four-hundred-twenty-five posts, but they add up if you do a few dozen in a single day…

But part of working hard is knowing when to stop. There is a bottle of Old Bushmills in the cabinet over the refrigerator that demands at least three fingers of my attention this night. Irish Whiskey is an acquired taste, particularly if you’ve scorched your tongue with Scotch. But — for tongue-scorching — Cathy has laid in the stuff for me to make a Hatch chile salsa, and last night a client gave us chile rellenos and some other muy caliente delectables. Mere liquor is nothing compared to the endorphin rush that comes from eating really hot food.

When I was a young kid working in New York, I had a boss who would stroll through the office at about 4:50 on Friday afternoons. “Why don’t you take the rest of the week off?” he would say. He never got tired of that joke. And I never have, either.

So here’s a toast to you all, as we take the rest of the week off. Thanks for being here with us!

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