There’s always something to howl about.

Using Google Docs to Track Your Goals for 2008: Part 1 of 3, Maybe 4.

Greg and I have talked from time to time about CRMS.   We both like them in concept, but have a hard time using them.   He doesn’t use REST, and I don’t use HEAP.   I have been using my blackberry to track stuff, aweber, and that’s it.   But I needed a way to track GOALS. Pure numbers, how many/how much. I didn’t want a new account, and I wanted to be able to draw my own conclusions from the data, not have some goofy stats telling me I was on pace for 1291% of my goal.

Enter google forms. Not specifically designed for this purpose, but still a sweet way to easily input stuff. You can be set up in an hour, and that’s if you’re new to Gdocs.

I made a 3 part video on Google Docs.   Many of you will get the gist, take it & run after one part.  To you: Kudos.   Don’t wait for part’s 2 and 3.  You can refine your system after, but don’t wait.    For those of you who DON’T get it, just stick around, you’l get all the ratios you could ever want.

I’d start by tracking:

  • contacts made
  • leads generated
  • lead followup calls made

Those things you can sort of control.   Calls made, quotes/listing packages/GFEs sent, etc.

But it starts with a lightweight way to collect your numbers.  Made a 5 minute video to start this off.  You might get better results by going through to viddler, but i think you’ll be able to see everything here: