There’s always something to howl about.

How to make money banking on the West Valley real estate market . . .

Want to get rich in real estate? A workable strategy might be to march your way west on this map:

If you click on the map, it opens to a larger, PDF version.

This is is significant chunk of the Southwest Valley in Metropolitan Phoenix. I’m showing you every major development that will affect real estate appreciation values — actual, probable and speculated.

Start by buying all the house you can afford in the eastern third of the map. Every two or three years, move yourself three to five miles further west, again buying all the house you can afford — from your income plus your accumulated equity. In five moves, you should have a ton of money regardless of your other investments.

Looking to invest in rental real estate instead — or as well? This map shows you where to move your money — again, slowly and incrementally to the west as development warrants. Your goal is to be where the great masses of people want to be — a year or two before they get there.

This is really not that large an area — it’s about 26 miles by 14 miles, 364 square miles. But as many as 1.5 million people will be moving into the area described by that map over the next twenty years.

Clearly, there is money to be made…

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