There’s always something to howl about.

Ave atque vale: Bidding farewell to conversations past

Notice a drag in the action lately? Have you been getting the database error a little too often? Time-outs? Memory overloads?

Everything associated with Bloodhound Realty runs on a dual-core Xeon box. All by itself, no shared users. We have the whole server to ourselves. Two processors, two big disk drives, gigahertz ’til it hurts.

And we’re maxing it out in peak hours.

BloodhoundBlog has thousands of RSS subscribers, and we serve our own feeds. In the long run I might have to bite the bullet and sign up for a third party feed service like everyone else.

But there is another big problem that I’m making an effort to cure today:

BloodhoundBlog gets hit with spam comments around 5,000 times a day. Almost all of these are caught by Akismet, but each one is a strain on the MySQL database — the very chokepoint that’s getting maxed out.

So effective now, I’ve cut off all comments for posts over two weeks old. I hate having to do this, because sometimes pure gold turns up in a comment on an older post — and our archives are ripe with gold in any case. But the spammers are looking for juice, and older posts are where the juice is to be found.

I hate having to do this, but swatting at flies only gets you so far. Eventually you have to rob them of their food supply.

My apologies. But: Let’s hope this speeds up the action on the live conversations.