There’s always something to howl about.

“Let’s just say that Jim and Dustin are going to be working on a secret project…”

…and it’s called “Dining on your dime.”

Eighty-two comments as I write this, and not one Active Rainier can enunciate the obvious: The emperor is naked.

My take, for what it’s worth: The new hires are charged with the duty of lining up yet another sucker to buy Active Rain. It could work, too. There is no better time to buy tech companies than when they’re going broke. Dandle ’em long enough and you can buy whatever value remains for pennies on the dollar. There won’t be much to pick over among the bones, but there comes a point in life when dinner is a daily dilemma.

Now if you feel an urge to post a snippy comment about how cruel this all is, take a moment to reflect that I told you exactly what was going on with Active Rain when everyone else was lying to you. The world works the way it works no matter how much you’d rather it did not. When Inman or Trulia or Active Rain buy up big-name real estate webloggers, what they’re actually buying is you.

Breathe deep. There’s a clue in the air. If you get lucky, you just might catch it…