There’s always something to howl about.

From Russia, With Love (How Americans Could Learn A Thing Or Two From The Former Subjects of the Soviet Union)

Stanislav Mishin writes a weblog called Mat Rodina.  His email address suggests that he is in his  late 30s which means he grew up “back in the U.S.S.R.”   Stanislav was probably one of the kids the nuns made us think of when we prayed for “the children in Godless Russia”, back in my grade school days.

Stan, ol’ buddy…if you’re reading, please pray for me.  Your article in Pravda was right on the money.

It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American decent into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed, against the back drop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people.

As much as this arrogant American hates being punked on the pages of Pravda, I’m terrified and I need your petitions.  This economic recession is like a New York City power outage and our politicians are walking away with a television set on each shoulder….but Stan, ol’ buddy, you already know this.

The final collapse has come with the election of Barack Obama. His speed in the past three months has been truly impressive. His spending and money printing has been a record setting, not just in America’s short history but in the world. If this keeps up for more then another year, and there is no sign that it will not, America at best will resemble the Wiemar Republic and at worst Zimbabwe.

These past two weeks have been the most breath taking of all. First came the announcement of a planned redesign of the American Byzantine tax system, by the very thieves who used it to bankroll their thefts, loses and swindles of hundreds of billions of dollars. These make our Russian oligarchs look little more then ordinary street thugs, in comparison. Yes, the Americans have beat our own thieves in the shear volumes. Should we congratulate them?

Precisely.  I visited with my parents last month and they asked me what I thought of President Obama’s first 100 days.  I replied, “Well, you gotta respect the speed and efficiency with which he’s looting our country“.

Stan, ol’ buddy, your conclusion is scary:

The proud American will go down into his slavery with out a fight, beating his chest and proclaiming to the world, how free he really is. The world will only snicker.

I’m a proud American but not too proud to ask for help;  I know you’ve been through this already.  Any advice you have for the sheeple people of this great land would be greatly appreciated.  If anyone else is as worried as I am, read what Stanislav wrote.