There’s always something to howl about.

Screenflow Rocks: 30 Minutes End to End.

Brian, Sean, into the breech I go.  I had wanted to stay out of Politics since the heartbreak of the campaign last year (organizational dysfunction at the highest level).  I wanted to steer clear, but I got sucked in.

It’s a bad idea to think about politics because then instead of pounding the damn phones, you get sucked into this stuff.

This took a half hour for me, end to end.  Screen flow rocks.  Call me sometime if you want one that tells Your story.  Given more time, they turn out better, but speed is what kills.  The fast DO eat the slow.

This video was made with 3 things:


Garage Band (for the U2 Loop).

8.5 x 11″ sheet of paper to tell the story.

This was more of a proof of concept–telling a story in 30 minutes or so.  I downloaded and quickly edited youtube video supporting what story I was going to tell (namely that Sarah Palin could be president, and that Sarah Palin needn’t be in my crotch).

This was done rapidly–I’m aware that there are transition goofs and I don’t plan to fix them.  They are my fault, not Screenflow’s.  I was trying to do something in a timed fashion,

But, I used to have to splice Screenflow in with keynote, and I will still likely use keynote, but not as much with the new version of Screenflow.

Screenflow + live type does everything that you’d want from a NLE with the exception of chroma key.  I do wish that Keynote had some sort of output-to-alpha type function, or transparent backgrounds.

Speed is what matters.  If I was (and thank God I had the sense to quit) still a loan officer, you damn well better believe I’d do a screenflow talking head each and every day with rates and other stuff.  You could be end-to-end in 10 minutes, and your arrows would quickly block out the sun.

I’ll indulge myself over the weekend with another video, and demonstration of A/B testing with Google Website Optimizer at a new little thing Bawld Guy and I are doing.