There’s always something to howl about.

Search Results: “iPad” (page 1 of 4)

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Two years ago, when the iPad was introduced, I said: “Google and MicroSoft can’t even copy genius.”

Vide licet: With the iPad and its closed software universe, has Steve Jobs committed an unforced error — unnecessarily created an obvious opening for Google and MicroSoft to compete? Today, Google says: “If you throw enough crap at the wall, sooner or later something’s gotta stick.” Today, Microsoft says: “Pigs will eat anything.” The revolution […]

iPad Arrives

My 64 gig WiFi and 3G iPad arrived on Friday. I had it delivered to another office where I knew someone could sign for it. When I opened the package in the lobby, the lawyer – an ex-Marine with 25 years of trial experience – looked at it and asked, “what’s that?” He was unconvinced […]

iPad observation #9: I went digging through the heap of festering garbage that is the Vook and came home with an education.

Vain though it may be, tonight I looked in on my own past posts on the Vook. The writing was better than I remembered it, just exactly my kind of fun with words, but I do think I have been overly… forgiving… of this sleazy little… not vampire, even writ small… this skeezy little mosquito […]

How Can The iPad Can Change Mortgage Marketing? It’s The App, Stupid

I was plunged into the Apple world when my daughter won an iTouch from a magazine drive.  I dived into it nine months ago when I bought an iPhone.   Here’s why mobile devices work-  you can harness the power of the internet and international communications in your pocket.  To ignore this trend is to deny […]

iPad observation #7: When you’ve built a product that turns whole worlds upside down — what happens next?

I’ve got more to say, but I’m running out of Sunday. Here’s what’s next: The iPad is the first move in the disintermediation — disintegration — of dozens of well-established institutions in our society. Vendors of mediocre crap like Windows computers and Android cell phones are done for. Established on-line retailers are finished. Broadcasting in […]