There’s always something to howl about.

Search Results: “iPad” (page 2 of 4)

We found 46 results for your search.

iPad observation #5: Linking frees slaves, sometimes, but the future of mobile real estate is unknown to attorneys from New York City.

Here’s a true fact: I’m pretty much disgusted with the — which denomination I quarried with my own hands, back in my early days on the apellation trail. By now, just about everything looks to me like hoke, smoke, hustle and jive — smirking vendorsluts and the clueless suckers who can’t stop themselves from […]

iPad observation #4: Looking for a smart way to connect with your clients in a pull-based marketing world? Update your iPhone/iPad app.

I give away a lot of killer marketing ideas here, but I never worry about the competitive implications. For one thing, I believe to the core of me that it’s raining soup, that wealth is pouring out of the skies and almost none of us is smart enough to reap that bounty. But, second, I […]

iPad observation #3: If your baby — or a caveman — can figure out how to use the iPad, the user-interface works

This is from an email exchange with Teri Lussier: Here is the computer for the rest of us: Imagine that civilization has collapsed. It’s happened before. Now imagine a computer something like the iPad (but durable enough to have survived and solar-powered or whatever). The ideal user-interface could be put to use by whomever finds […]

The Apple iPad is a category-cataclysm and no one knows it yet: Double-thinking Steve Jobs and his double-suss of the hi-tech marketplace

Here’s the question that will appear in the deep-think mainstream media analyses of the brand new Apple iPad: How can hardware vendors answer Apple’s new tablet? Guess what? It’s a dumb question. Slightly brighter lights might ponder this, instead: How can Amazon compete with the new iBook store? And: Yes: It’s another dumb question. Here’s […]

The Samsung Galaxy S4 is the world’s first peripatetic computer: You walk, you work and you thrive.

I was walking around the house Saturday — busily working away, headset in my ear, making phone calls and dealing with emails — when it hit me: The Samsung Galaxy S4 is the world’s first peripatetic computer. It’s easy and natural to work — to do real work — while walking. Salesmaniacs know that you […]

How to solve the video multiplexing problem you didn’t know you had.

I love this news story, an exposition of the Supreme Court exposing its irrelevance: In an entertaining hour-long episode, Supreme Court justices on Tuesday considered the government’s power to regulate expletives and nudity on the airwaves. Why is this amusing to me? Because along with many other twentieth-century electromagnetic phenomena, broadcast television is dead. Every […]

Introducing, an eye-candy-view of some of the most breathtaking homes for sale in Metropolitan Phoenix.

I am introducing today at I’ve been working on this, in my spare time, since Steve Jobs announced tabbed browsing in the iPad version of Safari, and it’s time to draw further inspiration from Mr. Jobs: “Real artists ship.” There is added functionality still to come in this software — and for something […]