There’s always something to howl about.

Search Results: “speaking in tongues” (page 2 of 2)

We found 27 results for your search.

Apprehending Realtor 2.0: Seven essential skills of the 21st century real estate agent . . .

[Russell Shaw taught a symposium today in Phoenix on Geographic Farming. Cathy and I were there, and Russell was sweet enough to give a plug to BloodhoundBlog Unchained. At the break, I was swarmed by people wanting more information on Social Media Marketing, especially weblogging — most regretting that they hadn’t gotten started sooner. Teri […]

A Saturday night toy: Your file server as a linked hierarchy

I owe more “Speaking in tongues” stuff, but I think I may have bored everyone to tears. This, by pointed contrast, is purely for fun. Copy this code: <?PHP $thepath = $_SERVER[‘SERVER_NAME’]; $dir = ‘*’; if ($Bfolder) $dir = “$Bfolder/*”; foreach (glob($dir, GLOB_ONLYDIR) as $filename) { if (!$Bfolder) echo (“<BR>”); ?> <a href=”<?PHP echo($filename); ?>” […]


I’m not going to buy a CSM from SSMI. I’m already a FART. Fracking Awesome Realtor Technologist Ok, you got me. FART’s not a real designation. You can’t go to any classes and pick up a FART- I cooked this one up in my living room a few minutes ago after overdosing on some grapes […]

A big heap of Heap goodness: Revising my universal contact form to create Heap records, assigning initial drip campaigns to them

I’ve rebuilt my universal contact form to be Heap-friendly. Now, in addition to emailing you and the prospect with a quick follow-up, as well as optionally epaging you, the form will also optionally create a new Heap lead with the contact information and with the name of an initial drip campaign to be assigned to […]

It is a mistake to think that the language of the bureaucrats is merely an ignorant, garbled jargon. They may not always know what they are doing, but what they are doing is not haphazard. It works, too.

More, for Diane Cipa and others who have commented. You can’t buy Mitchell’s books, except used. The man is an incredible gift America mostly never bothered to unwrap. The fun part is that you can have everything he wrote as The Underground Grammarian at no cost. That’s not the same as “for free,” of course. […]