There’s always something to howl about.

Search Results: “iPad” (page 3 of 4)

We found 46 results for your search.

Peering into Apple’s new iCloud service, to be rolled out tomorrow, to see how much closer we might get to virtuoso virtuality.

Steve Jobs is going to do the keynote presentation at the Apple Worldwide Developer Conference tomorrow. Surely part of his motivation is to show Apple’s shareholders that he is still in charge. But Jobs wouldn’t be doing this if Apple didn’t have some cool new toys to show off. Systems designer Kevin Fix speculates about […]

Illustrating a software paradigm shift in the simplest possible way. Or possibly I’m just simple-minded.

I have every intention of talking about the paradigm shift in software engineering that is being ushered in by the iPad. The iPhone pushed us half the way there with “apps” — dedicated client interfaces into server-based databases. The iPad pushes all that much further, with interesting implications for real estate marketing. Meanwhile, I’d like […]

Good news, bad news, good news and more good news…

Here’s some good news: Time magazine has discovered the Singularity. It’s a fan-boy article, but it covers a lot of interesting ground, anyway. What’s missing? Sim, massively large databases, signal processing, lots of cool stuff. The article devotes a lot of attention to Ray Kurzweil’s research on exponential curves in individual disciplines, but misses the […]

Dear Steve Jobs: Stop jerking everyone around with a goofy set-top box. Give us a real Apple TV — a TV engineered by Apple.

iOS 4 can go there, no doubt. And the lame-ass “web-enabled” HD-TVs shipping now are no competition for what Apple can do. The iPad may be the actual future of video content, but there will be room in the home for big screens for a long time. An Apple TV becomes the ideal blackboard, too, […]

Sometimes ya just gotta say, “WTF-nutsville?”

The Obama Adminstration’s henchmen are whining about the proliferation of new media , in a Vanity Fair article and I just couldn’t resist poking some fun at the irony of their complaints and the foreshadowing of the “perfect business” in an economy they “design” First, they bitch about the stamina required to work in the […]

Reasons to be cheerful, Part two: If we are wise, and if we are lucky, we won’t “meet the new boss” because there won’t be any bosses.

Watch this: Yes, everyone knows Saturday Night Live is not funny, but that sketch is interesting, even so. Why? What is that bit actually saying? Actors are puppets for writers, never forget that. What are the writers of that unfunny little skit trying to say? Imagine this: Your parents spent a ton of money to […]