So I was chatting with Brad Coy the other day, (On the phone!? Get out of town) and he asked me why, after participating in the hoopla of the Project Blogger competition, did I not go to Inman Connect.

Me: “Well, uh, um, well, uh, you know, um…”

I must come clean: I really hate conferences. I have the patience of Job with a lot of things, BS ain’t one of them.

I simply can’t sit in a crowded room listening to someone drone on and on, particularly if they are droning about something they are selling. And with a conference I’m supposed to pay for that unique pleasure? Especially when there is a big beautiful city calling my name? No way, not me.

When I heard that Bloodhound was planning a conference, I cringed. Then I immediately made plans to go- not because I thought that this conference would be different- the truth is I didn’t think it would be different, oh me of little faith. I made plans to go because I love Arizona and haven’t been in years, and thought it would be fun to finally meet a bunch of Bloodhounds. That was it. My double secret plan was to show up, say Hello!, put in a minimal amount of face time, then quietly bug out and head for the desert. And let me add something I’m not entirely proud of, but it’s important to this story: That was still my plan up until yesterday.

Greg says: “We’re nobody’s fan boy, nobody’s water boy, nobody’s pony boy.” Amen, brother! I might be a contributor here, but the way I see it, BHB Unchained is going to have to prove to me that it’s worth something before I’m sticking around for the show. I love this from Kelley Koehler in a comment on Agent Genius

“Remember me? I bought a ticket. Me. My money bought me the right to demand your attention on me, the right to only care about what I can get out of you. Anyone wearing a vendor hat and doing anything other than helping me becomes merely an irritant with no value. Your focus is on me. Your goal is within me. Anything – Read more