Oz is calling. My aversion to conferences has been pushed aside, and in the middle of the night I’ll be boarding a plane for Blog World in Vegas– possible only with the help of Dramamine and Pepto Bismol. It means that Friday morning I will land in Las Vegas loopy and stoopid, with drool stains on my shirt, but I was assured that I’d fit in just fine.

Eric Blackwell says that relationships are at the heart of these things, so I’m embracing my inner warm and fuzzy person and plan on saying Howdy to quite a few RE.net peeps that I’ve never met. Well worth the trip. At Blog World there will be plenty of self-proclaimed gurus with which I can mix and mingle. Me, being the eternal optimistic cynic, am wary of anyone who willingly takes on the title of Social Media Guru, but I understand that it’s Blog World, so I’m bound to run into a few.

BloodhoundBlog is the house: Dan Green is speaking, Brad Coy is speaking, Bawld Guy is marking territory on a dance floor somewhere. There is a gross of squirt guns winging their way to a Vegas pool party and, as if that wasn’t enough, someone has promised to wear a kilt and pull a mooning, a la Braveheart. See what you miss if you aren’t Twittering?

That’s fun! But still. The not so warm and fuzzy part of my brain keeps reminding me that I paid good money for this and I’m taking time away from income producing work. Friday is REBlogWorld, and Saturday and Sunday is the BlogWorld conference. I’m going to go and soak up the atmosphere, the information, the guruliciousness and hopefully learn a couple hundred dollars worth of bloggy goodness.

How do I do that? I’m suspending my disbelief, but I’m clueless. If you were going to BlogWorld, what would be the one don’t miss ticket for you? What would you want to see and why? I’m going, I want to learn, but I’ve not yet made any plans to hear anything specific. I was thinking of going where the wind takes me, but Read more