Dear Sis,

Thought I would catch you up while you are away at college.

You know how I LOVE FAMILY GATHERINGS, especially the BloodhoundBlog family.  Well it has been an interesting couple of days lately.  That crazy cousin Barry showed up; remember him?  He’s the one that tries to agitate everyone over the dinner table.   This got Uncle Russell going.  You know sis, he has become so successful that we all look to him for approval.  Anyway, he doesn’t talk much but when he does he brings the thunder and – you can probably see it coming – he thundered all over cousin Barry.  Finally, Dad had to give everyone a time out.  We never even got to have dessert.

In the past I have found there is no better way to bring the family back together than by uniting them in a common enemy.  So I suggested we direct our vitriol where it belongs… AT THESE TWO GUYS! 

Think of the efficiency:  Everyone you love to hate – under one roof!

Lenders and Dentists

That’s it from the home front.  I enjoyed the text book you sent me:  The Rise and Fall of Real Estate: A Case Study in the Application of Discriminate Disintermediation.  The funniest text book I have ever read.  Keep up the studies.

See you in the funny papers,

Your loving older brother.