I’ve been looking for an excuse to cancel my Linkedin acct for months now.

The extra web exposure on a platform that I don’t control is concerning to me.

But, it mainly boils down to the fact that I have new twins and no time to do anything on the web that isn’t building true perpetual equity in an online presence that I personally own.

The final nail in the coffin with LinkedIn for me came last week when I was emailed a false and disturbing message that was maliciously put together by a psycho stalker who targeted everyone who was a first-level connection of his victim online.

So, with that type of personal and professional nightmare escalating for one of my close friends, I’ve finally decided that it is safer to be Left Alone than LinkedIn, fanned, friended, followed….

Even though the Internet is the center of my Las Vegas real estate business, I’ve never been into “social networking” much.

Actually, I started taking my web activity serious in 2006 as a way to replace my previous model of building relationships with referral partners.

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy being social and making friends, I just don’t believe I need to get people to “Like” me in order to earn their business.

I know – I’ve heard the sales gurus preach about people doing business with others they Know, Like and Trust….. blah blah.

However, I’ve already proven that a niche web strategy can remove the awkward Know and Like components of the sales conversion process if you simply focus on earning trust by writing valuable content that solves the specific needs and questions of your target audience.

And, as far as duplicating the important Social Proof concept that these social networks enhance, a few creative testimonials down the left column of my About Mark Madsen page will hopefully to do the trick.

Facebook is next on my operating table, but I’ll have to approach that site with a scalpel since I do have so many FB Business Pages integrated into my SEM campaigns.

Either way, aside from a little passive connecting and noise making on Twitter, I’m going to save my business Read more