I’ve just finished a morning of settng up showings and dealing with the small fires of an upcoming closing. I’ve had a hectic last two weeks and it’s making my head swirl trying to balance online and offline. I think it’s important to maintain the discipline of online efforts but I realize why some people give it up after a few weeks of dwindling excitement.

I’ve been going at the online deal gradually now for five years. I’m still not a top notch nerd, but I get the basics and know how to fnd what I need and hire out what I refuse to do. I’m not good at design and that’s the next hurdle I have to hop over. I’m ok with simple and ugly if it’s functional, but I realize the need for style and form to go along with function.

This is not at all what I wanted to write about; I just swerved a bit and I’ll try to work it in — I’m in free-association mode here lately. Recently, I wrote on Bigger Pockets about “information” and ended with the transformation to “knowledge sharing”.

I’m grateful to all the online players who have gained knowledge and who share their knowledge freely, it’s truly a new world of learning processes that we’re entering. Those who are eager to learn have resources galore at their fingertips. The problem is time management and discipline. Time management and discipline have never been so important. It’s a huge challenge to find time to develop all the plans of business and still find time for entertainment, family and socializing.

So much is being thrown at us that filters are necessary to sift the wheat from the chaff. I never knew there were so many blogs and social media avenues (I just got a “personal” invitation from one this morning I’d never heard of – Apsense.)

Trying to keep up with two business blogs and whatever Bonzai is (a playpen), running a brick and mortar busines, plus dealing with clients and closings, maintaining friendships, spending time with my wife, checking in with my grown kids, spending time on hobbies, on and on, gets overwhelming at times, but you just Read more