The company or individual that doesn’t understand competition and the power of imagination is already slipping into obscurity. Power in a competitive world is double-edged, one edge used by those on the throne, the other edge being sharpened by an idea that time adores. Who is so ignorant as to proclaim the end rests in this position? Every Google came from nowhere, or so it seems. Competition comes from the blind side, the side of arrogance.

Confidence is another story and no man or woman should see the need for constant bowing before power, nor do any in power need to cower in gratitude to avoid the unseemly posture of confidence. If one is good, then confidence is a natural reaction and state of mind, but….

But, realization of what supports power is critical to sustaining power — once a person or company thinks powers derives from an intrinsic source that transcends all other sources and is not granted by those who can take it away, it’s over. But if the realization that power exists only through the satisfaction of those who bestow power, then a person or company can ride success for a long, profitable journey.

In the service industry, power derives from consumers finding greater value in your service than in your competitors – the danger is once you rise to a successful position the temptation is to think it’s a permanent state, and then you are vulnerable to the corruption of power. Confidence tells a wise man or woman that whatever it takes, I’ve got it, but to keep it I must diligently satisfy the consumers’ ever-changing needs; Arrogance tells a foolish man or woman that they created power out of nothing and consumers are under their control.

Every day a small competitor is thinking of new ways to deliver something unique – if you aren’t thinking right along with them, and if you think you have it locked because the gods of commerce have smiled and favored you, then you might as well buckle up for a bumpy downhill ride. Confidence is a gift we give ourselves for staying in touch, honoring the achievement of excellence; arrogance is spitting Read more